Boost your travel
business with Modysol
We connect you with hundreds of global suppliers of travel content via simple API
Pull connection
Your personalized request system. Our powerful aggregation solution allows you to get results from the largest network of hotel sellers with just one request. Expand your catalog of hotel booking services and improve hotel search times and accuracy by customizing aggregated responses based on your prefered criteria.

Direct contracts
Connect seamlessly to 40+ Channel Managers and manage your own stock in a beautifully simple solution. In our extranet we will give you the tools to set up hotels, rates and rooms contracted with the hoteliers, create user accesses for your providers and check your bookings, between other options.

Engineered for growth

Discover a self-service portal packed full of apps specially designed to empower your business.

Our high-speed and on-demand cache app helps you boost sales, improve your response time and handle any type of traffic.
Traffic Optimizer
Highly customisable solution to block non-performing traffic and enhance global performance automatically. Your connections will enjoy improved L2B ratios, reduced search traffic and response times.
Monitor and evaluate the performance of each of your connections and accesses with Stats on a minute-by-minute basis.
Detect potential anomalies in real-time and get an immediate notification to react on time and avoid impact on your business.
Know how the market is performing, understand the demand, discover new opportunities and decide the right pricing with our benchmark reports
Search and download logs in batch or individual mode from your transactions in the Modysol Marketplace.
Start selling today
Pick the one that best suits your business model. Get building. Get certified. Get connected.
Contact us:
+852 67732298
AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong